Suddenly, there are so many good WebRTC events you can attend.

My kids are still young, and for some reason, still consider me somewhat important in their lives. It is great, but also sad – I found myself this year needing to decline so many good events to attend. Here’s a list of all the places that I am not going to be at, but you should if you’re interested in WebRTC 🙂
BTW – Some of these events are still in their call for papers stage – why not go as a speaker?

When? 13 June
Where? San Francisco
Call for speakers:
AllThingsRTC is hosted by The event they did in China a few years back was great (I haven’t attended but got good feedback about it), and this one is taking the right direction. They have room for more speakers – so be sure to add your name if you wish to present.
Sadly, I won’t be able to join this event as I am just finishing a family holiday in London.
CommCon 2019

When? 7-11 July
Where? Buckinghamshire, UK
CommCon started last year by Dan Jenkins from Nimble Ape.
It takes a view of the communications market as a whole from the point of view of the developers in that market. The event runs in two tracks with a good deal of sessions around WebRTC.
I couldn’t attend last year’s even and can’t attend this year’s event (extended family trip to Eastern Europe). What I’ve heard from last year’s attendees was that the event was really good – and as testament, the people I know are going to attend this year’s event as well.

When? 5-8 August
Where? Downtown Chicago
Call for speakers:
This is the 15th year that ClueCon will be held. This event is about open source projects in VoIP, with the team behind the event being the FreeSWITCH team.
This one is just after that extended family trip to Eastern Europe, and I’d rather not be on another airplane so soon.
Twilio Signal

When? 6-7 August
Where? San Francisco
Call for speakers:
Twilio Signal is a lot of fun. Twilio is the biggest CPaaS vendor out there and their event is quite large. I’ve been to two such events and found them really interesting. They deal a lot about Twilio products and new launches which tend to define a lot of the industry, but they have technical and business sessions as well.
Can’t make it this year. Falls at roughly the same time as ClueCon which I am skipping as well.

When? 23-25 September
Where? Napoli, Italy
Call for papers:
The meetecho team behind Janus decided to create a conference around Janus.
Janus is one of the most popular open source WebRTC media servers today, and this is a leap of faith when it comes to creating an event – always a risky business.
I might end up attending it. For Janus (and for the food obviously). Only challenge is my daughter is starting a new school that month, so need to see if and how will that fit.

When? 14-16 October
Where? Chicago
The IIT RTC is a mixture of academic and industry event around real time communications. I’ve taken part in it twice without really being there in person, through a video conference session. The event runs multiple tracks with WebRTC in a track of its own. As with many of the other larger industry events, IIT RTC is preceded by a TADHack event and one of its tracks is TAD Summit.
I’ll be skipping this one due to Sukkot holiday here in Israel.
Kranky Geek

When? 15 November
Where? San Francisco
Call for speakers: just contact me
That’s the event I am hosting with Chris Koehncke and Chad Hart. Our focus is WebRTC and ML/AI in real time communications. We’re still figuring out the sponsors and agenda for this year (just started planning the event).
Obviously, I’ll be attending this event…
Which event should you attend?
This is a question I’ve been asked quite a few times, and somehow, this year, there are just so many of them that I want and can’t attend. If you think of going to an event to learn about WebRTC and communications in general, then any of these will be great.
Go to a few – why settle for one?
Next Month
Next month, I’ll be hosting a webinar along with Chad Hart. We will be reviewing the changing domain of machine learning and artificial intelligence in real time communications. We’ve published a report about it a few months back, and it is time to take another look at the topic. If you’re interested – join us.