The landscape of WebRTC developer tools is ever-changing. Here’s where we are at now.

It was time. Over a year passed since last I’ve updated my WebRTC PaaS report. The main changes that occurred since December 2017?
- Vonage acquired TokBox, wrapping it into Nexmo
- SignalWire came to our lives, from the team behind FreeSWITCH
While working on the report, there were a few things that I needed to do:
- Update all 21 vendors with relevant information. Some progressed more than others. Some haven’t made any significant changes.
- Refresh all references, links and information in the report, to fit the status of WebRTC in 2019
- Publicize the appendix on group calling architectures, to give room for a new appendix on Flow and Embedded – two trends that are taking shape
WebRTC Developer Tools landscape
A chapter in the report deals with the WebRTC Developer Tools landscape – the vendors, frameworks, products and services that developers can use when building their WebRTC applications. And that was from June 2017… a long time ago in WebRTC-time.
So I got that updated as well.

You can download the WebRTC Developer Tools landscape infographic.
Helping developers decide
A theme that occurs on a daily basis almost is people asking what to use for their project.
Someone asked about a PHP signaling server in 2017. That question was raised again this month. I got a kind of a similar question over email about Python. Others use one CPaaS vendor and want to switch to another (because they are unhappy about quality, support, pricing, …). Or they want to try and build the infrastructure on their own.
That’s why I created my paid report – Choosing a WebRTC API Platform. This report covers the CPaaS vendors who has WebRTC capabilities. And now with the updated edition, it is again up to date with the most current information on all vendors.
Thinking of using a 3rd party?
Trying to determine a different vendor to use?
Want to know how committed a certain vendor is to his platform?
All that can be found in the report, in a way that is easily reachable and digestible.

The report is available at a discounted price until the end of April (only 2 days left).
If you want to learn more about the report, you can:
- Download the table of contents and introduction
- Check out’s 4-pager from the report (each vendor profiled as such a 4-pager for it)
- Contact me to ask questions
You can purchase the report online.
Shout out to

The reason that 4-pager from is openly available is that they sponsored this report. is one of the interesting vendors in this space. They have their own network and coding technologies, and they hook it up to WebRTC. Their solution is also capable of dealing with live broadcasts at scale (think million viewers in a single video stream).
Check them out, and if you’re in San Francisco – attend their AllThingsRTC event.