Marketing automation isn’t easy.

I’ve been doing that for a few years now in, trying to figure it out as I go along. My newsletter service configuration and settings looks like a large ball of spagetti at this point, with little way for me to handle things in it. This as well as a few more reasons got me to switch my marketing automation provider as part of a larger project I am running.
It has taken its toll. Mainly a lot of time and energy spent on figuring things out yet again and cleaning up stuff. Along this process, I’ve enrolled to an online course and learned some more about what I can do without pissing off subscribers. Hopefully, I’ll be headed down that road a bit more in the coming months.
Anyways, a few quick notes:
- I am currently in “mid-migration”. All emails from now on (this would be the first broadcast one at that) are sent out of a different provider
- If you’re unhappy with it – unsubscribe, or just reply back and I’ll try figuring out what’s going on
- I am restructuring my WebRTC course as well as adding to it some fresh new content. More on that closer to the end of the month, once it is ready. If you’re interested about it, just ping me
- Less articles here during July. Going to be on business trip as well as a vacation. On top of that, I got two largish consulting projects with my clients (clients get prioritized before writing articles here)
- Why this post then? To test if the new newsletter provider is working well for me
See you on the other end of my infrastructure nightmare 🙂