TL;DR – register to this webinar about WebRTC 1.0

As I am prepping to another launch of my Advanced WebRTC Architecture Course, I went through the content to make sure it is up to date. This is by far the hardest thing about a course about something like WebRTC – what was right on Chrome 63 might not be correct anymore for Chrome 64. Or is it 65 now?
I ended up spending time in updating and refreshing some of the lessons with some new material, but I ended up with one area that the course is weak at. And that’s WebRTC 1.0 information.
The problem there is that while I can tell some of the story, I definitely can’t tell it to the level I wanted. It got me to partner again with Philipp Hancke, which I love working with on lots of mini-projects. I asked Philipp if he will be willing to host such a lesson for me as a live webinar and he said yes (yippie).
What’s in the Webinar?
So here’s what we’re going to do:
Next month, right after Passover, and because Philipp asked for April, we’re going to host a lesson/webinar about WebRTC 1.0.
Philipp will skim quickly over the backstory of WebRTC 1.0, where we are today and more importantly where we’re headed with it. What we will cover in more detail will include answers to questions like:
- What should you change in your app due to WebRTC 1.0?
- What new tricks did 1.0 teach the “old” WebRTC dog?
- Do you need to update my app to be compliant and work in Chrome next year?
- How much effort is involved in this migration to WebRTC 1.0 anyway?
- If you pick out a WebRTC project on github, how would you know if it supports WebRTC 1.0 or not?
What I want here is for you (and me) to really understand the impact WebRTC 1.0 is going to have on all of us in 2018 and on.
This webinar/lesson will take place on
Tuesday, April 10
2-3PM EST (view in your timezone)
The session’s recording will NOT be available after the event itself. While this lesson is free to attend live, the recording will become an integral part of the course’ lessons.