This is an answer to a reader.

Here is a question I received via email the other day:
Do you have a recommendation for a handy machine for WebRTC development? We would like to have a server inside our office network and a Linux dev box for client. We would prefer a laptop computer for both because of its portability. What sort of dev environment do you use? What do you see other small companies use?
As I am not a heavy developer these days – rather a hobbyist that once was good at coding – I didn’t have the best of answers for him. So I decided to ask around – on Twitter and also people I know in this domain. Here are the answers I received, in no particular order (actually – in FIFO…)
Hadar Weiss, Peer5
IDE – JetBrains WebStorm…
But the most important tool is chrome itself with its debugging capabilities
Nicholas Buchanan, OpenVRI
I use Chrome debugger/console. Then for the dev env I use VIM (also installed vim syntax recognition for javascript, jade, stylus). I tried running the free Cloud9 ( however, it crashed too frequently.
Uffe Bj?rklund,
I use Visual Studio 2012 as my dev env… Not because it is a better env than others for WebRTC… Mainly because our underlying platform for signaling is built on C#… When I am on a Mac I use Xamarin.
Philippe Sultan, Apidaze
We use various programming languages, namely C, JavaScript, AS3, PHP (with Symfony), and the tools and development environment we rely on are very simple :
- Linux CentOS;
- vim for editing;
- autotools (the famous “configure ; make ; make install” sequence), Grunt and PHPUnit for building and testing;
- git and svn for versioning.
Eric Davies, Priologic
I use Netbeans to edit.
Rod uses Eclipse.
Chris uses Textmate for editing.
We all use the development environment in Chrome for debugging.
Mike uses XCode for the native iOS client and Sublime for webstuff.
Half of us are using Windows laptops, the others are using MacIntoshes.
Chris Matthieu, Twelephone
I also use the Chrome debugger console as well as the Sublime 2 editor, iTerm 2 command line, and Git / Github for source code control. Node.JS also has something called Node Inspector for tracing issues within your app.
Emmanuel Venisse, Bistri
We don’t use a specific development environment for WebRTC, our environment is used for all parts of our devs.
Operating system:
- OSX, Linux (and Windows for tests only)
- Intellij IDEA, Komodo
Other tools:
- Wireshark
We use too gclient and ninja but it is for specific things around the w3c webrtc code
I’d like to thank all those that have answered this question!
Got an answer about WebRTC? Don’t be shy – just go to my contact page and ask me. It is the only way I know to learn new things.