Another conference week for WebRTC means another slew of announcements.

I really don’t want to have my weekend posts be a set of links to other sites about WebRTC. It is great to do it – easy work for me, and you can even call it link-building – but that what it seems. And I don’t want it to be that way. The only problem is that there’s great content out there this week as well that I need to report about it.
This week was Enterprise Connect 2013. As with any conference that deals with VoIP these days, time was dedicated for WebRTC. The result? A set of announcements from WebRTC vendors, peppered with some interesting stories.
I will start this time from Eric Krapf’s coverage of the first day of the conference:
The WebRTC Conference-within-a-Conference almost literally burst at the seams today–with overflow crowds we had to open up the room and almost double the seating, until more than 330 attendees were crowded in to hear a technical introduction to WebRTC
Dan Miller from Opus Research gives a bit more color to it:
When Enterprise Connect opened its doors on Monday, the room designated for a “track” of sessions on the emerging standards for IP-based “real time communications” was so packed, they had to pause to remove some temporary walls to double the size of its venue.
For those who believe this is a fad or a non-starter – you are probably the minority.
There were some vendor announcements this week – most aligned and targeted at the event, and some are just interesting:
- Bistri. Birsti this week provided some interesting numbers for their service. Bistri offers WebRTC and Flash and were already interviewed here. Their statistics show that 17% of their video calls run over WebRTC today. It will be interesting to see if and how this trend changes moving forward
- Twelephone. Chris, another interviewee, just doesn’t want me to not mention his company on a weekly basis. I’ve been long planning to provide some insights as to what technologies WebRTC companies use, and Twelephone gives a glimpse into their tech
- Vidtel. Vidtel had a press release on their join solution with BurstPoint. While not related to WebRTC, it adds recording capabilities to Vidtel, who do support WebRTC in their platform
- Zingaya. A company I should interview someday, opted for Bandwidth to get their PSTN nationwide connectivity. This shows our small world is progressing as WebRTC vendors are enhancing their services through such partnerships
- Thrupoint, another interview target for me, and always blunt, gave the colorful statement that “Enterprises are adopting WebRTC as fast as it is coming out”. The rest of the post in this link from Fierce Enterprise Communications provides a healthy dose of other quotes from the first conference day – interesting stuff in there
I’d argue that the same holds true to VoIP vendors who ignore WebRTC.
It has been a busy week. Have a great weekend.